Majestic and hypnotic like the peacock's tail. And this invitation catches you. It hypnotizes you. You can't take your eyes off her. Like when the peacock opens its tail and shows it off in all its splendor, making its colors shine.
With the invitation WE GIVE YOU:
- High quality normal peak envelopes.
- Card for additional information that your guests need to know but that you do not want to include in the invitation (account number, bus schedule, ceremony and/or banquet addresses, etc.)
Before printing, we will send you the design by email when it is finished so you can see how it looks.
Majestic and hypnotic like the peacock's tail. And this invitation catches you. It hypnotizes you. You can't take your eyes off her. Like when the peacock opens its tail and shows it off in all its splendor, making its colors shine.
With the invitation WE GIVE YOU:
- High quality normal peak envelopes.
- Card for additional information that your guests need to know but that you do not want to include in the invitation (account number, bus schedule, ceremony and/or banquet addresses, etc.)
Before printing, we will send you the design by email when it is finished so you can see how it looks.
Minimum quantity 30 invitations